Take A Quantum Leap To Your Highest Timeline

Ascension Hall Taoist Temple

Dive Into Your Ancestral Legacy & Liberate Yourself from Cyclic Patterns to Embrace Your Ultimate Destiny

Explore the Spiritual & Ancestral Dimensions of Your Soul's Journey with Master Tao Huang's Groundbreaking "15Bi15" eBook!

Discover Your Ancestral Blessings!

Discover Your Ancestral Blessings!

Elevate Your Spirituality with Master Tao's "15Bi15" eBook: A Nourishing Experience for the Awakened Soul

Inside you will discover: 
Unlock Your Ancestral Blessings: Break free from generational patterns and tap into your ancestral wisdom for boundless growth.
Guided by Master Tao Huang: Embark on a transformative journey with a revered Taoist lineage holder as your mentor.
Transcend Inherited Limitations: Identify hidden influences and embrace a life filled with purpose, authenticity, and abundance.
Experience Taoist Wisdom: Unlock your true potential and embrace a fulfilling life guided by ancient Taoist teachings.

Explore Your Legacy Today!

Explore Your Legacy Today!

"This book is an expansion and a powerful explanation of new ideas which Lao Tzu had sketched out centuries ago. It is now time to put this extensive knowledge to use for today's people. The style is a delightful synthesis of poetry and prose. It provides a way to identify and transform things which hinder our progress such as the more-than-epigenetic unfinished business and traumas of those in our direct lineage who literally are the source of our physical being. This allows us to more clearly identify and pursue our own purpose."

JD Starman, MA Taoist Instructor for 30 years

Are you tired of feeling trapped in cycles of negativity, struggle, and limitation?

Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns and facing the same challenges, generation after generation?

It's time to break free from the chains of your ancestors and step into a future filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment!

Introducing the "15bi15" – a transformative eBook offering an enlightening journey of deep healing and liberation. Drawing on Taoist ancient wisdom, this eBook guides you on a profound path of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.

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Grab Your Copy Now!

Introducing 15Bi15 Author & Spiritual Teacher Master Tao Huang
Master Tao Huang is a gifted Taoist master, author, spiritual leader and guide, born and raised in Northwest China. Master Tao’s journey into the realm of spirituality began at the age of 24 when he discovered Taoism while visiting the United States on an exchange program. This pivotal life moment led him to explore other spiritual disciplines, including Christianity and Buddhism.

On the Winter Solstice of 1988, he experienced a profound heart-sealed awakening through Lao Tzu, who directed him to move to America and deliver Taoism to the West. He was later ordained into the twenty-sixth lineage of the Dragon Gate School, where he received the teachings of the talisman, Yellow Court, inner alchemy, and mystic practice.

Explore Your Legacy Today!

Explore Your Legacy Today!

Our Happy Readers....

Tao is a great conduit of the truth for his ancestral karma and generational trauma clearing for a full and authentic life free from suffering. His work is the future of healthcare, and he helped my family heal for many lifetimes.

Amazon Kindle Review
The 15Bi15 eBook is a breath of fresh air. It helps one deeply understand the interconnections between our physical body and ancestors. Creating a greater state of self awareness and liberation from habitual patterns and limiting beliefs.

Dr. KT Kennedy PT, DPT
Holistic Integrative Physical Therapist

Awaken Your Ancestral Gifts with Master Tao's 15Bi15 eBook!

Start Your Journey Today!

Start Your Journey Today!